Q: How do I add rows into my model?
A: To add a row, Alt+I+R.
Q: How do I enter in the actual soft cost line items into the Sources and Uses of Funds tab?
A: As detailed in the Sources and Uses of Funds Video Tutorial, you will delete the data in the soft costs allocation assumption line, and insert rows for all of the individual line items. You will then correct the Total Soft Costs line formula to have it sum all of the constituent soft cost line items.
Q: How do I reduce the model's timeline to suit that of my transaction?
A: BEFORE you do anything, save a copy of the file so that you can return to it in case you make a mistake.To reduce the timeline in the model, you MUST perform the following actions on ALL of the following tabs:
a) Sources and Uses of Funds
b) Cash Flow and Returns Summary
c) Waterfall #1
d) Waterfall #2
YOU MUST delete the SAME number of columns on each of these tabs.
DO NOT RUN CALCULATIONS on the spreadsheet until you have done the following on ALL of the above-referenced tabs:
To delete columns, highlight the columns by selecting the columns from their lettered header block (left-click on the header block), then right-click, and then select Delete.
Q: How do I extend the model's timeline to suit that of my transaction?
A: BEFORE you do anything, save a copy of the file so that you can return to it in case you make a mistake. To extend the timeline in the model, you MUST perform the following actions on ALL of the following tabs:
a) Sources and Uses of Funds
b) Cash Flow and Returns Summary
c) Waterfall #1
d) Waterfall #2
YOU MUST add the SAME number of columns to each of these tabs.
DO NOT RUN CALCULATIONS on the spreadsheet until you have done the following on ALL of the above-referenced tabs:
Highlight the current SECOND-TO-LAST column in the transaction timeline by selecting that column's lettered header block (left-click on the header block), then right-click, then select Insert. To repeat this action, use Ctrl-Y until you have the correct number of additional columns.
Next, highlight the entire column from the ORIGINAL second-to-last column in the transaction timeline, Copy the entire column by Ctrl-C, and then highlight ALL of the subsequent columns, INCLUDING the very last column, and then paste over the formulas by Ctrl-V. Hit F9 to run calculations on the sheet and you will see the formulas calculate in those columns.