
How do I incorporate the Soft Costs Budget Schedule tab into my analysis?

To utilize the Soft Costs Budget Tab, please follow these three steps:

1. Link the cell at the bottom of the Soft Costs Budget Schedule tab corresponding to the Total Soft Costs (Cell L155 on the Generic REFM Soft Costs Budget Schedule highlighted in Orange below) to the output cell on the Assumptions Inputs Tab in Development Uses of Funds that corresponds to the Soft Costs.

to the output cell on the Assumptions Inputs tab in Development Uses of Funds that corresponds to the Soft Costs outlined in Green below:


2. Go to the Sources and Uses of Funds tab and enter an "=" symbol into the cell corresponding to month 1 as seen in the cell highlighted in Yellow below: 


Click the first month of the Soft Costs Total line found in cell S155, highlighted in Purple below, on the Generic REFM Soft Costs Budget tab and click "Enter".



3. Finally, go back to the Sources and Uses of Funds tab and copy and paste the cell reference across the whole range of Soft Costs as noted below:


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